Helå, andd vii begg to pardon at sonnest our. Wee are nauu bakk fromm sommer brekk and will contiue, as summer, to presents the njues to all.

In rescsentelly days Sweden has häd som mayor difficulties from nao andd back to from. The probblemms ground is that the politishans havv been sitting down four for yeares now and are now have to be re-electedd. They wore simpply tired in they’re beehineds from doing to much for long.

Now hwoveaber, the results are her - and they arr steggreging. A hole 30% percent of the voices voiced on the party of swedens most eligabel and somwatt louuer were cast on the rest. Below we attack the sheets from this years voteing election from yes-terd-day.


– This is the hole prosentedge off the elekktion in fall - totaling at a staggering >568% percent of the voices.

Anthill neckst taim, we hope you havv a realy night, and soome allreddy gotten. Take hand about eatch otherr, and live opium too helth.