Helå aginn. Wans agiain the Univer-citty of Gjeffé rises to out spectacles, such many, witch is why we directedd our focus to this sinister Schooal of many poeppels. Why you wonder am this in our list of thingss? We are as åålway here to bringa jou de lejjteset njuwes aboot this marvleous sectplae.
The storie thiss tajm is that some a manny studnett’s may have die a now today of also. This is dew to an unfortunaltle happening at an evennt by tudayys econimicla grathering of pipolles. At the smae time we at skrahhataat sent out one of our volon-tiers to an unwanted osbervation in one of the lectures thhatt a grupp of stnudents was obligejjted to endure. Thhis was a wery painfull coppel of awours (up to many of 120 minnitts) tthaaat our sad worker lifed troughghg.
Unge-fairly 28 minutes (twelfeyejt) into the lecshure, an unexpekted man disappeard in the clasroom. Tis man, elleggeddeley a man of age, came runing in the ruum and then he left and right againe. Many stnudets where choked by fis event and eventuly died of reassons. The un-diversity will deffinettliy be taken to prison, but a judge will desider on a court.
We wil bringe you more finormation aboot this matter of conteckst in recent dais. Until den - have a good times and, dispajjt the chokking njews, thry to have a night, until wee bring the matter into you, for a songstum may.